If you’re interested in finding out more about the Three Principles, please read our overview here. If you’d like to dig deeper, this page contains links to a wide range of resources including books, CDs and DVDs, and online resources. You can also read a summary of the independent research Beyond Recovery has commissioned into the impact of our own Three Principles-based work with prisoners at Onley Prison.

You can also find resources produced by Beyond Recovery on this page. If you are interested in attending any of our professional development courses including our famous MindSpas (three day wellbeing and resilience retreats), you can find out more about them here and make bookings here.

Unlike other approaches there is nothing to ‘do’ or ‘get’ about the Three Principles.  The ‘knowledge’ comes from within, so no one can ever teach us, we have to see it for ourselves through our own insights or realisations.  Therefore, we recommend that you approach the resources from a relaxed mind: when you’re reading or listening, simply let the words wash over you and listen to any stirrings or insights that arise within you.


Sydney Banks is the founder of the Three Principles approach. The links below direct you to the UK Amazon site. Sydney Banks’ material is also available directly from Sydney Banks’ website.



In this section we include a wide range of online resources to help you find out more about the Three Principles approach via a number of organisations all across the world.



Beyond Recovery has also been adding to the range of online resources demonstrating the application of the Three Principles in a wide range of settings.  Our own expertise is working with offenders and/or those with mental health issues.



What I love most about Jacqueline is her unwavering passion and enthusiasm for the work she does and the people she works with. Jacqueline is dedicated to supporting not just the vulnerable but anyone who walks into her life. She’s a very genuine, very warm lovely woman and I’ve learnt so much about myself, about business and about working with others through working with Jacqueline.

Anna Debenham

Three Principles Coach/Trainer


I have worked with Jacqueline as a facilitator on the training we do in Prison in Onley, Rugby. I have loved working alongside Jacqueline, she has a wonderful ‘can-do’ attitude which is infectious. She encourages and develops us. Her work has had amazing effects on the prisoners and the staff and many of the staff already comment how much positive effect the work has had on the prisoners and their attitude day to day.

Susan Marmot

Three Principles Practitioner


Beyond Recovery are revolutionising the way we understand and treat addiction and mental health. I can’t say enough good things about the incredible work they are doing, and this is just the beginning! Jacqueline is an inspiration. I am proud to be associated with Beyond Recovery and it is a delight and a privilege to work with her.

Paul Lock

Founder, Innate Thought


Insight Alliance
HM Prison & Probation
Spark Initiative
Three Principles Foundation
Russell Webster
National Lottery AFA Community Fund
Lloyds Bank
One Thought
Lottery funded
The Corbett Network
Social Enterprise Mark
Social Enterprise Mark