We are excited to update you on our latest events and programmes. Reach out for a discovery call to find a programme that best suits your needs info@beyond-recovery.co.uk

Our Next Event Is: the 3puk conference 11-13 June 2023








Wisdom Webinars

3PUK – we are excited to be speaking at the Three Principles UK event

11-13 JUNE – Online

Going deeper

join Jacqueline, derrick, omar and many others at this amazing gathering of speakers, stories and insights.

Click the image to join us!


Free 5 Day course

how to take inspired action

We all get stuck from time to time. check out our free 5 day course on taking inspired action by tuning into your inner guide!



Curriculum Q&A: 2023

coming soon – Online

A free webinar for anyone interested
in working with wellbeing in the
community or within prisons.
If you are a coach or mentor who
wants an impactful curriculum click
the image to find out more.

Impact Communities
Insight to Wellbeing

Curriculum Training:

Autumn 2023

– Online

 It is our mission to enable a
community of facilitators and social
entrepreneurs to have noodles of
impact with their communities.
This training provides everything you
need to do that in a simple way.