Beyond Recovery has successfully completed its first Virtual Impact Programme (VIP) and is delighted by the response of its first cohort of participants.
Jacqueline Hollows, founder of the social enterprise, designed the VIP course with co-facilitators Derrick Mason and Omar Wilson. Derrick and Omar were first impacted by Beyond Recovery’s work while in HMP Onley and are now employed as project co-ordinators. They are also co-founders of a community group, Beyond Truth.
Meeting our aims
The aim of the VIP is twofold. Firstly, to share the Three Principles understanding with people who wish to make social change. Equally, to work alongside families and friends affected by the Criminal Justice System. In fact, the programme was created with the specific intention of integrating people from different backgrounds to instigate social change. Jacqueline is thrilled to see what they have achieved. She said:
“I’m so pleased with the success of our first Virtual Impact Programme with Derrick and Omar co-facilitating alongside me. I’ve always wanted to integrate members of the 3P community with people who have been impacted by the criminal justice system, either themselves or through family members. I think there is such a lot we can learn from each other. The VIP proved the impact this type of integration can have. Every single person had insights and realisations throughout the ten weeks. The whole group bonded and has even carried on meeting weekly as a splinter group to keep the conversation going. We are really looking forward to our next VIP early in January 2021.”
Derrick was ‘blown away’ by the love, connection and openness that the programme created in just ten weeks, commenting:
“I learnt so much from what turned out to be a rich and diverse space for us all to settle into. Everyone shared in the wisdom and love that was created individually and collectively within the group. Out of that space, we watched golden nuggets of wisdom emerge from everywhere, pointing to how we all learn new from each other regardless of age, background or upbringing.”
Omar added: “It was so much fun meeting everyone through the programme, and I learnt so much. We all laughed together while learning from each other, and it feels like we brought together a family.”
Learn more
The video below is a compilation of some of the insights from participants of the VIP 2020:
If you’re inspired to take part in the programme in 2021, visit our website for more information, or contact: