The power of the crowd

Beyond Recovery experienced the power of the crowd when its latest Crowdfunding campaign raised £30,520 from 102 donors.  The campaign was developed when Jacqueline Hollows (Founder) read the following facts:

  • children of incarcerated parents are often described as the ‘hidden victim’
  • 312,000 children every year are affected by having one parent in prison.

These children suffer an increased risk of offending, mental health issues and poor educational attainment. Other troubling statistics include these:

  •  10,000 children visit a parent in prison every week (pre-COVID).
  • 65% of sons of prisoners end up involved in the criminal justice system themselves.
  • 45% of prisoners lose contact with their families whilst in prison.

Prison Radio & Distance Learning

The funds raised for Beyond Recovery will be used towards the expansion of Prison Radio Shows and Distance Learning Packs for prison residents and their families. In December 2020 Beyond Recovery was awarded the first community grant from Goodwill Solutions CIO to collaborate with National Prison Radio and create a show called Chip Thinking which you can listen to here.

Derrick Mason, Board Director of Beyond Recovery, explained:

“In prison, I learned from the Beyond Recovery team that freedom comes from within. I woke up to the knowledge that everything I had ever been searching for was alive and thriving in me. It had been there since I was born. Undamaged, unbroken, undiminished. As a father, this means I can show my children the unlimited potential that lies within them.” 


Jacqueline Hollows, Founder of Beyond Recovery, commented:

“I am grateful beyond words for the support and acknowledgement we have received from the community. The power of the crowd is phenomenal, and this campaign proved that the relationships we have are incredible. Not only did we surpass our target of £30,000, we also raised awareness for the forgotten people and their families trapped in the criminal justice system. We also raised awareness for the work that we lovingly do, day in and day out. Now it’s time for the Beyond Recovery team to enjoy a well-deserved break before the next phase of work begins. I wish everyone a blessed festive season and a 2022 full of potential and joy.”

If you would like to help support the impactful work of Beyond Recovery, you can make a donation here.